Alexandra Cruz

Alexandra Cruz

Social Media/Community Manager

A Brooklyn native, with a black belt in Judo and a passion for die Mannschaft, Alexandra is behind our social media and helps where and when she’s needed. Mom to two beautiful boys, she currently lives in Satan’s taint Florida.

[Editor’s note] Alex is hugely instrumental in forming and cultivating our public presence. She’s the voice of The NoSleep Podcast on social media, who works incredibly hard on fan engagement, and is instrumental in the ‘we’re a family’ atmosphere we try to build up with our fans. Between her social media posts, Twitch streams and ceaseless promotion of the podcast, Alex is indispensable to the team. But! Not only that! She works on numerous things behind the scenes in an administrative capacity. And she’s contributed to the show both as a voice actor and a writer.

I have had to step in and add these further paragraphs because Alex only sent me the first paragraph and come on, sell yourself woman!

Anyway Alex is great. Bye. Love, Olivia.