Wafiyyah White

Wafiyyah White

Voice Actor

Hello all you horror lovers out there, I am Wafiyyah White, returning voice actor to the NoSleep Podcast. You may remember me from Season 10 Episode 9 story titled, The Adventures of ZombieGirl. I am so glad David has open up the door to the Dungeon and let me back into your ears, hearts and nightmares.

In case this is your first time meeting me, here’s  my attempt at gushing all about myself. I hail from Charlotte, North Carolina where I still reside at the moment. I am a graduate of the University Of North Carolina at Greensboro where I studied Theatre and Film, where I received my Bachelor’s of Arts Degree. From there I have worked in the Theatre Community around Charlotte as well other places in North Carolina. I’ve done extra work in films and now I have been seduced by the amazing world of voice acting and podcasts. I must say the NoSleep Podcast was definitely one of the first few podcasts I was introduced to that  inspired me to try my hand at another avenue in acting , that being voice acting and I am so glad I was up to the challenge. So I hope you enjoy me sharing my talents with you in future shows to come.

Now, whenever I am not trying stir your nightmares, I am enjoying my love of film, everything from classic black and whites to the creative films being made today. I am even sometimes leading armies and completing quest in newest Assassins Creed, yes I’m quite the gamer. If you ever want to challenge me to game or get know even more about me, follow me on Twitter @FiasLifeReel and or on Instagram @Fiaslifereel.