Vlad the Impaler Tag

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Hot potatoes, Sleepless! It's me again, Olivia. Boy, do I have some tales to tell you from Transylvania. I'm currently hiding out in a cave half-way up a mountain while strange creatures bay for mine and Danny's blood. It's all very exciting! But, I'm going to save that story for another blog post. Hopefully I'll survive to be able to tell you about it!

Moving on, by now you know who the mysterious guest host is. That's right, while David and co are on tour, the podcast is being hosted by Vlad the Impaler! Wait, I'm being informed by my legal team that it's actually notable voice actor Peter Lewis. Okay, that makes more sense. I did wonder how a centuries-dead tyrant was hosting the show. I guess a centuries-living tyrant is more logical.

Anyway, Peter's doing a grand old job, and I hope y'all are enjoying his wraparound scripts! We have a special surprise for you in episode 15 too, so be sure to tune in for that. Episode 14 is just about wrapped up and will be hitting you in your horror-spots this weekend as normal. But what of the others, you ask? What of the tireless tour team? Well read on, Sleepless, and I'll tell you all about it.