The Truth Tag


Happy Sunday sleepless! Gabrielle Loux speaking. You may remember me from my interview with Olivia a few weeks ago, or you may already know me from submitting, or you may have seen me haunting Twitter. I come bearing an interview with regular NSP author Henry Galley.

Henry is a British author who first appeared on The NoSleep Podcast in season six with "They Move Through the Trains". I’ve had the pleasure of working with him on several of his stories, and also the upcoming podcast Congeria. Some of Henry’s notable podcast gems include "Two Facts You Should Probably Know", "In My Line of Work", "Midnight Rendezvous", and a brand new tale on today’s episode called "Duplex", available for free to all listeners.

Henry recently started studying creative writing at The University of East Anglia and I can’t wait to see where his studies take this already incredibly talented young author.

Recently I had a call with Henry in which we talked about a variety of things including writing, podcasts, horror, and his future ambitions. I've transcribed it below. Let's get started!